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How Imagination is Your Best Business Skill
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
– Albert Einstein
The Rise of the Robots
With more and more of our lives becoming automated, creativity has never been such an important skill. A machine can perform tasks, work through complicated calculations, but when it comes to original creativity the robots still need guidance. So in the age of robots, creative thinkers are going to be a greater commodity to business than ever before. A computer could replace a room full of articulate think-tanks, but when it comes to creative problem solving, we humans still ride in the front seat.
In this rise of robots, who in your company should be the creative one? Well, the answer to that is everyone. It’s becoming more and more important that the human part of your business can think creatively when it comes to solving problems and competing in an ever-evolving digital world.
Another thing to consider is, what are your competitors doing? Are they seeing what you’re seeing? Have they picked up on this lead yet? Well, if they have you can be sure that they are doing something about it. Whether it is creating employee reward programs, investing in creativity training or just re-approaching how they do business in general, one thing is for sure: you do not want to be left behind!
One of the biggest factors in company growth and also a major distinguishing difference between us and machine is our emotional bonds. Emotional intelligence skills and emotional intelligence training open up an entirely new level of imagination and insight and the biggest companies out there are beginning to catch on. A recent study from Keller Center Research found that when Coca-Cola trained its leaders in emotional intelligence, they exceeded performance targets by 15%. Yet when leaders did not develop their EQ (emotional intelligence) or have access to this type of training, they missed their targets by 15%. This is a 30% gap!
User-Experience Economics
With the digital age, there has been a rise in ‘user experience’ awareness. Whether it refers to websites, ad campaigns, or their site features, user experience has evolved into its own kind of economics. The aim of the game is to add value, and a lot of it. The user experience thrives on valuable information rather than blatant sales pitches. Even Google’s set of standards pushes site owners to create the most value if they want good ranking.
How does this user-experience economy influence the sales industry? A good salesman can tell you that success with a customer means winning them on value. Your products not only fulfill their needs but create some kind of experience.
Read more Emotional Intelligence insights.
Trushar Mody is BUSINESS STRATEGIST, SOFT SKILLS TRAINER, OUTSIDE-THE-BOX THINKER AND THOUGHT PROVOKER. He is a Warehouse of knowledge and wants to share it. His passion lies in teaching Wholestic Learning and Emotional Intelligence.
Trushar Mody is a role model who has extended himself to help others along their own journeys. He works from his passion of helping people live their lives with purpose and without fear. He is a managing partner and senior trainer at Encore Consulting Group.